
Hearing Evaluation

Video Otoscopy

A complete hearing evaluation starts with a Video Otoscopy to inspect the ear canal and the ear drum, to verify that there is no wax or any other element that can interfere with the hearing test reliability.


Evaluation of the middle ear function is called Tympanometry. In this test, the Audiologist will identify if there is any dysfunction of the eustachian tube, fluid in the ear, eardrum perforation, or any other abnormality that may be the origin of the hearing loss.

Hearing Test
The Hearing Test is taken in a soundproof booth, where the patient is asked to press a button each time they hear a tone. This test allows the Audiologist to establish whether the hearing is within normal limits, or if there is a degree of hearing loss. Likewise, this evaluation allows the Hearing Professional to know whether the hearing loss can be reversed by a medical treatment, or the damage is irreversible, but the condition can be improved with the use of hearing aids.
Speech Recognition Test

The Speech Recognition Test is an evaluation where the patient will be asked to repeat words back to the hearing professional. This test is important to establish how the brain receives and processes the speech signal. In other words, it will tell the Audiologist or Hearing Professional, how clear the patient understands the words that are being said to them. This evaluation also tells the hearing professional how successful the patient will be using amplification though hearing aids, or if the patient needs a different option that will help them recognize words better.

Tinnitus Evaluation
Additional tests such as a Tinnitus Evaluation can be performed in the case that the patient has constant tinnitus or ringing in their ears. In this test, the patient will be asked to compare some tones to the ringing or buzzing they are experiencing to identify the intensity and frequency of the tinnitus. With this evaluation, the Audiologist or Hearing Professional will give the patient information on how they can cope with the tinnitus. Furthermore, there is a counselling session that will cover the use of applications or hearing aids with tinnitus maskers in case the patient has hearing loss along with the tinnitus.

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Do you have questions about your hearing? We’re here to help and guide you. You deserve to enjoy every small, incredible sound life has to offer. Let’s work together to find the perfect hearing solution for you.

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Sound is the Paintbrush; Hearing is Art

Bring the beauty of sound back into your life.

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(905) 503-4545


(905) 503-4546

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Mon/Wed: 9AM - 4PM
Tues/Thurs: 9AM - 5PM
Fri: 9AM - 3PM


14799 Yonge Street, Unit 2
Aurora, ON L4G 1N1

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