Industrial Hearing Screening
Companies that work with loud noise, above 85 dB, should require the employees to have their hearing checked once a year. This screening test is designed to identify if the hearing was affected prior to the employee starting to work for the company, or if their hearing is decreasing due to the current noise exposure.
We also educate the employees on the importance of the hearing conservation by wearing ear protection any time they are exposed to loud noises.
Furthermore, we offer a variety of custom hearing protection designed to protect the hearing according to the individual’s needs.
Make Us Your Partners in Hearing
Let’s embark on your hearing journey together.
Do you have questions about your hearing? We’re here to help and guide you. You deserve to enjoy every small, incredible sound life has to offer. Let’s work together to find the perfect hearing solution for you.
Sound is the Paintbrush; Hearing is Art
Bring the beauty of sound back into your life.
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Open Hours
Tues/Thurs: 9AM - 5PM
Fri: 9AM - 3PM
Aurora, ON L4G 1N1